Failing To Plan Your Business Financing Can Be A Death Sentence For Your Business Most businesses start out thinking the first thing they need is a great business plan. The popular myth is that potential lenders will place great stock in your business plan as a major consideration for approving the financing you need. While
Free Counseling And Advice Every Startup And Growing Business Needs
Free Counseling And Advice Every Startup And Growing Business Needs To Succeed Business counseling fees can be extremely expensive and not knowing where to turn for business advice can be a significant waste of valuable time. That is why there are 80 Business Information Centers (BICs) in the United States and over 1,100 Sm
Email Grammar Tips
You may think there is no connection or relevance between constructing email messages with grammatically correct sentences and conducting the functions of a competent businessperson. However, your clients may disagree. In order for customers to buy your products or use your services, they must have confidence in your abilities. Using proper gra
How to Genuinely Enjoy Cold Calling
Five perspectives that will (honestly!) create enjoyment in your cold calling Most of us dread our days of making cold calls. We take a deep breath, pump ourselves up, and prepare to talk with a perfect stranger. Is there any wonder a gray cloud sometimes hangs over our desk? It really doesn’t have to be this way. Cold calling can be an inte
The Arms Race in the AFC East Takes on a
The Arms Race in the AFC East Takes on a New Look The quarterback position has always been the most important position for any NFL team. Having a confident field general is essential for any team that wants to go deep into the playoffs. Nowhere is that more evident than in the AFC East. Tom Brady and the New England Patriot